The Two Gentlemen of Verona - My 1st Impressions

F i r s t 
   I m p r e s s i o n s

On the first week back into college we were introduced to two different Shakespeare plays, these two were called: The Two Gentlemen of Verona & Much Ado About Nothing. As a class we watched the two before getting to see/read the scripts, the first movie we watched was The Two Gentlemen of Verona and I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed all parts of it. There wasn't a moment in the film that I wasn't either gripped or laughing, the play included both action and comedic properties which helped it really come together nicely.  After we watched the play unto the end I left with a strong attraction to it and chose it to be the play I wanted to perform in. As a character preference for the whole of the story from his introduction and the end the Duke stood out to me and that was the role I claimed instantly.

The next day was the day to watch Much Ado About Nothing, now in all honesty I wasn't interested in it in the slightest, either by not being gripped by the story or falling asleep because of how 'non-gripping' it was, I know it's not the most professional thing to do but what was I supposed to do!? Anyways after watching the play we had a small discussion on it but everyone else was also in a daze about the play by either not understanding it or not liking it, the discussion was much shorter than the Two Gentlemen one which I didn't find surprising.

The following day we went over the scripts for each play to get a better feel for it, we started off with Much Ado this time which was a drag but we powered through it. Reading it I slowly but surely understood it and it upped my curiosity on the play but not nearly enough to diminish my thirst for Two Gentlemen. Verona was next up to read and we read through the scenes quickly and again I was simply compelled to do the play. As the Duke of course.

For my final verdict I was pretty happy with doing Shakespeare as previously in high school drama and English I was familiar with his works and had performed a few plays before, this didn't seem challenging but when we got down to the core of it i.e rehearsing/learning lines then it got interesting. My first impressions like I said "^" I was impressed and raring to go and funnily enough I was put into the Two Gentlemen of Verona group as the Duke!

What could possibly go wrong?


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