Is Acting in England Over-Saturated With White Middle-Class

In this assignment I will be looking to answer the following question: "Is Acting in England Over-saturated". For this I be using a variety of sources which will compile into my discussion as well as differing views on the matter.

In my opinion straight and clear the answer is yes. Though of course I won't be biased in this as you shall soon see, Acting really and truly started back in the Grecian times where there weren't many black people in that sector if any at all. This progressed further into the Shakespearean timeline where acting really took off and where most people think it began, at this point in time black people again weren't in the scene for whatever reason during this time period and some saw this as the norm. However in this day and age things have changed drastically and immensely. As a black actor myself I find the industry to be quite backwards in the sense they claim there lies no racism or sexism of any kind in the acting world, one of my many reasons for saying this is the lack of roles giving to people of color. Unfortunately, growing up watching numerous movies which even had black characters first of all I had come to notice we were not associated with not being businessmen, bankers, authors, calm and rational yet instead painted as being drug dealers, addicts, confrontational, apart of gangs and being irrational/violent.

The depiction of this was vastly different to those of the whites and how they're represented. I


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