Medea Week 3-4

My Third Session

In all honesty this session was a complete and utter shambles, I say this because of how much work got done by our group. And that was zilch. Just because one of group members (cough Joshua cough) was not in that day there seemed to be some big dilemma that couldn't be sorted until he arrived. So as a whole we got nothing done as some group members were easily distracted/didn't want to hold character nor did they seem in any way shape or form ready to perform. This unfortunate turn of events began to irritate me as the group structure had completely changed due to a missing link, in my eyes if a link is gone then they others should easily be able to work with that for the time being but alas this was not the case for us. 

My Fourth and Final Session 

We entered the fourth and final lesson by going into the groups we were in and immediately going through it, then as a class we got sat in a circle and discussed what went well in our own groups/ who came up with certain ideas/ what could have gone better etc. 
What went well for my group was everyone's projection and diction was on point as well as our spacing and timing (once worked on) were great, what could have gone better for me was that one day one of us hadn't managed to come in we could've done so much work to improve our piece. The greatest pro in being in this group was that everybody was throwing ideas left right and centre which gave us more to work off of, for example when I gave out the idea of walking around Medea to give off the insanity going in her head. Joshua put forward his idea that when saying his line "Give her a glass of water then, she's parched" for the remaining members (excluding Mimi of course) to quickly bounce back after he places the water glass down for her. As well as Mimi giving us the idea to catch her when she falls. 


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