Year Two Audience - Oedipus rehearsals

                                      4th October 2016
Short write up

We had two acting sessions on that day, one of which had the whole class rehearsing their respective scripts through and thorough. During this time of rehearsing me and my two amazing partners (Kaede & Emily) discussed different ways in which one of our scenes could be portrayed, for example when King Oedipus hears the voices above we chose for him and the corinthian to repeat these words in confusion. In terms of our characters when finding an objective and understanding it there wasn't much trouble as we sat down and spoke about why our characters would do an action or what their response would be to the stimulus.

The second session involved us performing to the second years in order to get some feedback and to show them what we had been working on so far. As I watched my fellow actors and actresses of my class go up it made me slightly nervous knowing that we'd be performing to people who had done this before and they'd be giving us constructive criticism. After a few more groups went up it was our turn in which throughout each scene I'd say we done fairly well, they were no slip-ups nor any breaking of character. After we had finished our piece Rob told us to space out in our groups to get personal feedback from the second years, the first duo said commented on my voice and said it was great and really powerful however I needed to utilise it as much as I can. The other two both said my voice was great and I just needed to work on my projection towards those seated at the back.


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