Classical Texts Weeks 1/3 - Sharon

Week 1 - Classical text one - Romeo and Juliet -- 16th November

On our first week back we were introduced to an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet, during this time we done a few exercises based around the monologue given out to us. One of the many activities we partook in was moving around the dance studio room saying lines from the monologue, we then said the lines from the monologue whilst projecting it to the many objects and things around the room. After we sat in a large circle and began another exercise. This one consisted of each person saying the first word of each line in the circle for example: If the first word in the monologue was "Moonlight" the next person would go to the second line and say the first word there "For" and so on and so forth.
Then we moved onto saying the last word of each line in the same way we had done previously.

Another drill was saying the full sentences, however upon reading the lines we first done it without any emotion whatever which I call 'dry-reading' then we added in emotions on how we thought the line should be said and with what feeling to be put into it. Sharon switched up the leaders on who started each time we finished reading, this was beneficial as it allowed us to gain an insight on how others felt a specific line or word should be delivered along with that emotion. Our last piece was just us going around the room once more and speaking the lines into the objects with minimal glances at our paper. This further gave us cognisance into Shakespearean plays.


Week 2 - Classical text two - Macbeth - 23rd November

For this week I sadly wasn't able to attend due to personal issues, however after speaking to a few of my fellow actors and actresses in my class I was told that the class was informative and descriptive. Many had learned the motives behind Lady Macbeth's intentions into delivering Macbeth to the throne, her actions though terrible can be seen as an act of love towards the King. However, she was known to be quite demanding and more masculine than her husband. Often guiding him and sometimes egging him into doing things he initially decided against, but her persuasive powers over him completely diminished any objections he had come to have.


Week 3 - Rehearsal of chosen speech - 30th November

During this week's session with Sharon I had already picked out a speech to prepare for the following week, for this I had chosen to use Shakespeare's: As You Like It. My character to portray was the melancholic Jaques and in this scenario he was talking about the the world being a stage and the men and women of it being players. The reason I had chosen this play was due to the realism of it all, speaking of their lives as acts which in what he says is completely accurate.
In preparation for our monologues the exercises used were similar to that of our Romeo and Juliet interpretation in the sense that we said the lines from our respective monologues in the room to objects. Then Sharon had us pair up (my partner was Joshua) and stand opposite each other, when this was done one side was instructed to all say their lines to their partner whilst slowly walking backwards. The partner not speaking was to raise their hand when they couldn't hear their colleague, this was useful as it made us strengthen our voices and had us use our diaphragm to go louder and louder.

After this was done the other partner had to do the exact same, when both sides completed this exercise Sharon had each side go to the back of the room on their sides and each person would say any line from their monologues and it would go back and forth across to the room. When this was over Sharon then made us get into the circle to go over what we had done in the day's lesson and how it helped us or was useful. We were dismissed shortly after.


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