Jobs in Performing Arts?

"If I don't want to be an actor is there anything else I can do besides acting?"

Yes dear people actors and actresses aren't the only jobs pertaining to the performing arts department, as with many sectors of work in the world there are an array of professions for one to choose from. Whether they choose to delve into office work, environmental work or the creative industries.

Taking a gander into the performing arts sector such career aspirations are as follows:

  • Actor / Actress 
  • Director 
  • Screenwriter 
  • Writer
  • Dancer
  • Singer
  • Make Up Artist
  • Costume Designer 
  • Set Designer
  • Prop Maker
  • Lightning Designer
  • Artistic Director
  • Stage School Owner / Teacher
  • Camera Man/Camera Woman
  • Musical Theatre 
  • Stunt Double

"I just want to act. What skills would I need?"

In the acting world there are many skills that you would need, in all honesty they aren't anything to fancy or abnormal. So let's take a look shall we?

  1.  Empathy - You can't act without empathy, you can't act without putting yourself in someone else's shoes to fully embody a character in order to make it believable.
  2. Adaptable - In the sense that you'd need to adapt to the situations occurring around you i.e in improvisation or even going for an audition/interview, line changing, disassociate yourself with a character, changes to either location/character/set.
  3. Researching - Taking to the books or even the internet to acquire knowledge into the characters nature/personality/mannerisms/environmental factors/motives etc.
  4. Confidence - Due to the variety of situations an actor could be placed in for example: When a fellow actor/tress forgets their lines, improv and auditions.
  5. Memorising - The simple skill of memory, reading over lines and projecting them into your head even going as far as to see in between the lines; read the subtext
  6. Presence - Having good stage, vocal and screen presence is a must for actors and actresses everywhere, to provide the audience with a completely immersive experience.


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