Let's talk...progression

After college is done and dusted there lies options that are able for you to take on within higher education if you choose to do so of course. We as actors are placed with the options of going to a Drama School or following up our course into a university degree. However, don't simply think this is your only go to, as there also lies the option for you to not opt in to either university or a drama school and pave your own path. Whatever your chosen path there are a plethora of positives and negatives towards higher education, so let's dive in and see where your mind is at once we finish this topic.

Let's start with drama school, in regards to the pros for going to a drama school your training provided is immense and rigorous however ultimately worthwhile. Upon attending a drama school you'll find there are many beneficial attributes of this such as gaining new relationships with a variety of people in turn amassing connections throughout your acting career, for example performing in a production for your school guarantees the viewing of agents who're hungry for talent there also brings the opportunity for you to meet and work with directors often giving you a chance to possibly work on other projects with them which no doubt leads into a portion of what your course pertains to.


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