Personal Statement

My love for acting began during my time at primary school, where I had my first experience of theatre and reactionary theatre, and discovered loved performing and hearing the audience reactions. 
At that point, I began to take acting classes outside of school, I auditioned and won a part with the heat and light companywhich lead to my first a performance in a play at the Roundhouse theatre in Camden, 
I enjoyed the experience immensely and I won a Jack Petchey award for my hard-work and performance. 
Throughout the transitional period, from primary school to high school, I expanded my interests into other areas, I aspired to be a game designer or an author, for my chosen career. 
After a discussion with my mother about my career path, it occurred that my preference is to tell a story by any medium that I could, whether constructing games or writing novels or acting out a story, I subsequently felt at my best when telling a story. 
Realizing that I felt my most passionate and excited, when telling a story through the medium of acting, and there was nothing that I loved more than performing, I decided to focus on what I was passionate about. I sought many avenues to learn and expand upon my acting abilities inside and outside of compulsory education. 
Attending weekly classes at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, in addition to training at the Young Actors Theatre, I also attended New York Film Academy acting camp, in Florida USA ( 2017 ) where I was able to learn and discover a range of new techniques and abilities for example, the PEER system which revolved around Preparation starting "NOW!" Exploration to show and learn Execution is putting to practice and Relaxation being key. I was taught that health and body of an actor needs to be looked after as well as working on many different aspects of theatre i.e vocals and movement which ranged from singing lessons to dance classes. During that time we were instructed to be analytical, interpretive, comprehensive, projectable and repeatable. We spoke about character arcs and what the importance of it was whilst putting it into practice in our plays, this the led onto the discussion of using bets and scoring and how often it should be used and again highlighting the importance and going over the steps of preparing a monologue or scene for performance in which it was included. Action words to help in scoring where also touched upon when the phrase "REHEARSE-REHEARSE-REHEARSE! MEMORIZE-MEMORIZE-MEMORIZE" was drummed into me. We also delved into deep character research going into things such as where they were born, their primary/secondary language (if applicable) spouse? physical characteristics? occupation during certain ages and vocal characteristics were just a small few that we went over in character construction. 
I auditioned and signed to an acting agency, in 2015, during which time I have featured in voice overs, various commercials, immersive theatre, and also appeared in a movie  
The highlight of my career thus far has been, an appearance in an international theatrical film release - The Hitman's Bodyguard" ( 2017 as a young Samuel L Jackson. By having that experience I have learnt that perseverance is a major key as well as the act of failure in regards to being apart of the acting industry. After going up for audition after audition and not getting one there comes the taste of defeat and the feeling of just giving in and moving on, but then you remind yourself that this is where you want to be, you don't carry yourself through high school and attending a college course on performing arts if you weren't mentally ready for what the industry composed of. Getting up and brushing off the dirt that was on you is only a minor occurrence because once you've scored that audition you ready yourself for the next one and the one after that. And this was exactly what I went through and discovered in myself the mindset of shrugging off the negativity and bringing in the optimism and positive energy, having the mentality to constantly push on no matter what the boundaries or objects are set before you. A plethora of auditions have past me yet I won't let it determine who I am just because I have failed, if anything I have learned that failure is good it can even be seen as a blessing, failing just means you now know what to do and how high you need to grasp to get better than you were before. If there was one thing I would tell myself in the past it would be don't be afraid of failure, if anything welcome it. You have to get comfortable with failure in order to fail often and go on a path of being successful in what you do, failing is noted to be where all of your lessons will be. 
Trying to be the greatest actor I can be, is the ultimate goal, the only way I believe this objective is attainable, is to learn and understand all the methods available, undertake as many teachings as possible and implement all that I learn into bringing characters to life. 
Having the opportunity to study at a specialist university  will allow me to flourish, work with like minded individuals, whilst achieving my objective. 
I am currently studying for my University of Arts London Diploma in acting, in addition to attending Royal Academy of Dramatic Art classes, whilst studying at Westminster Kingsway, I have learnt how to establish successful performances for audiences, explore a range of techniques in both scripted and devised pieces of theater performance, looked at how to select appropriate elements, performance
demands and to  continually evaluate my goals ahead of performance. As well as the contextual
elements. Gained deeper insight on a variety of my played characters and plays, been able to critically examine my strengths and capabilities in relation to a range of performing and production arts activities. Worked on several pieces of ensemble/collaborative work and gone into research relevant source materials to provide a comprehensive approach to the development of the pieces. Most of these short summaries of what is only several were achieved during my college years with thanks to my two tutors, their help and drive to always push me above my limits and break down the barriers of capability have in turn shaped my form and respect of acting tremendously. By doing the course I have since gained a plethora of skills and approaches which has prepared me for university, to enable me to give the most well rounded performances possible, I would like to develop new methods, going in to more depth on anything I have learned so far and expand upon what I haven't. 
As a hardworking student with the ability to modify my performances after critique and take direction, studying a BA in Acting , is the ideal study path, as I am eager to learn at a greater extent and understanding. 
Being a family orientated individual, I tend to spend most of my time with family, which includes vacations and activities, I like to keep fit by running, or play sports such as basketball with my younger brother.   
I enjoy reading immensely, and love the style of Anthony Horowitz, Darren Shan and Robert Muchamore. Starting with Anthony I find his books to be full of excitement and rich, vibrant details with even tones of comedy in some which ranges his ability as a writer, with series' such as: Alex Rider, The Diamond Brothers and The Power of Five each tale has interested me and spun me at different turns and angles always keeping me involved with the story and never wanting to put the book down. In regards to Darren his writing style is that of horror and gore with the mixing of realistic attributes intertwined with each chapter his writing is most famous for the book series "Cirque du Freak" though I enjoyed the plot with that my true interest lays within the dark and grueling series "The Demonata". Lastly arriving on Robert his styling had tweaked my interest because of what his stories were about, for example the amazingly written series: CHERUB had tones of so many things I could barely keep up with them, the books revolved around real life children spies for the government and that alone was a grabber for me as I had thought about the government actually having children as spies at one point and to see it written and delved into with such a capable author put me in a daze. 
Writing is still a passion of mine, however through my love of acting, that also now includes, screenwriting in addition to novels and short stories.  
Having been a drama student for the past 7 years, I have developed strong base knowledge, as demonstrated by my most recent performances, feedback has been inspiring and motivating, I am eager to gain a greater understanding and depth of dramatic art. 


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