What exactly IS Greek Theatre?

Greek Theatre

The time period of Greek theatre was in the 6th century. The man theatrical genres were: 

  • Satyr
  • Tragedy
  • Comedy 
Thespis was said to be the first Greek actor and came up with the whole idea of the tragedy genre however, it was in fact Aeschylus who created it.

(Quote) "Aeschylus was born in the city of Eleusis, near Athens, in 525 BC and died in 456 BC. He was a Greek dramatist, the earliest of the city's great tragic poets. As the predecessor of Sophocles and Euripides, he is the founder of Greek tragedy"

Thespis - (Quote) "He is credited with introducing a new style in which one singer or actor performed the words of individual characters in the stories, distinguishing between the characters with the aid of different masks. This new style was called tragedy, and Thespis was the most popular exponent of it."

Comedic plays however have no known origin and are said to be made from just imitation and imagination.

490 b.c was when The Battle of Marathon took place as the first Persian invasion on Greece. Although the Greeks were met by the Persians in high numbers in the end the Greeks won the battle against those unfortunate odds. There was a certain dramatist by the name of Aeschylus who alongside his brother Cynegeirus fought in the great battle, even though the Greeks were successful in winning they sadly lost Aeschylus' brother which affected him indefinitely however he continued to write up his plays.

The main playwrights of this period were known to be:

  • Aeschylus
  • Aristophanes
  • Euripides
  • Sophocles
Aeschylus focused primarily on tragedies which were shown in trilogies. His main pieces were The Oresteia trilogy consisting of: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers & The Eumenides. And also The Persians. Starting on Agamemnon the theme known throughout is "justice and judgement".

Aristophanes was said to be one of Greeks comedy genre writers. Of his surviving work the plays were listed as: The Acharnians, The Knights, The Clouds & The Wasps.
Going onto the play The Knights the theme heavily "focused on was gluttony".

Euripides also projected his art in the direction of tragedy with his main works labelled as: The Trojan Women & Medea.
The play Medea came onto the themes of "vengeance and love".

Sophocles delved into the tragic art as well as adding his own touch into it, such works from this playwright are as follows: Antigone & Oedipus.
Over to Oedipus the main themes were "fate and free will".

Many of the plays were a blend of myth, morality and politics to get the feel on realism, for example in the case of Ajax & Odysseus when Ajax went on his killing spree and committed suicide due to his own actions, Odysseus said they shouldn't "dump his body anywhere" as it wasn't morally right. There was another play which had the accused be judged after committing murder and instead of getting executed he was put on trial for his crimes which again led onto the politics side of things making it socially relevant to many.


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