The Second Week

Week 2


Today we came upon the second lesson of our Technical Theatre session. But first we were spoken to by an employee of  "Mousetrap" she came to talk to us about all of the opportunities available for us as either performers or as backstage crew within the program, to be honest I found it quite interesting however she started to lose me due to her her public speaking. She stuttered frequently because she spoke so fast and at some bits she hesitated.

Call my standards what you will but hey I'm just saying.

Anyways, the objective of today was to rig the lights in the theatre and after watching Rebecca rig them with such finesse I thought to myself that it'd be a breeze. And it was funnily enough. There were a lot of rules we read through and descriptions of safety equipment and how to stay safe etc. Rebecca then brought up four of us to the gallows to see what was operated up there and how to use it safely and soundly.

Prior to this we were introduced to numerous lights each with different uses:

  • Fresnels - Good for providing short edged beams/adjustable by moving lamp/most common
  • Profiles - More directed lighting/lens are movable/light can be controlled by gobos & iris's
  • Floods - Good for lighting large areas/beams cannot be controlled/areas can be lit for no reason
  • Parcans - Act like floods but not as intense/mainly found at parties/directed by using the lamp
  • Follow spots - Most commonly recalled by event goers/exact circle of light that can be placed and can 'follow' actors etc
After coming down from the gallows Rebecca swapped us over and after an hour break we returned to the computer room to blog.


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