Camden Youth Theatre

For today's session we were accompanied by the lovely Gemma from the Camden Youth Theatre. The group started off with a calm warmup which consisted of us shaking our arms and legs around to loosen up. Then Gemma made us walk around the space and she slowly made us up the tempo with phrases like: "You're in a rush!" "Move like you've got somewhere to be" which really made us imagine the circumstance that we could've been in. After that we played a game in which if we were told to come into a circle we would bunch up close to each other, if we were we told to step out we would have to go to the edges of the theatre room and wait for another command / we were told to fold which meant we'd go down to the floor and in a sense fold ourselves then we were told to unfold which is pretty self-explanatory. Further into this she called out feelings that we would have to then incorporate into our "folds, unfolds, bunch ups and step outs".

After the game we moved into an actual circle and we were listening to Gemma for a while as she spoke about devising and what it meant to her and she asked us to do the same in pairs, I was paired with Will and we decided between the two of us that devising was "Forging an idea and creating it as a piece". Everyone's pairs had different and unique ideas which were great, after that we swapped spaces and were placed in pairs once again but this time it was specific as the pairs had to be roughly the same size, at this point we were to look at Gemma as she picked out certain individuals to showcase to us different moves to be done as a duo, one involved person A using their elbow to propel themselves in the air while person B lifted them from the waist and carried them in a circle. Another move had both person A & B push against each other's backs with roughly equalling strength so they could go down into squat position and rise back up. My partner for this exercise was Tobi, and we utilised the new moves taught to us by Gemma and performed a piece with both those moves and our own.

After everyone performed we were place back in a circle and said our goodbyes to Gemma, all in all I'd say it was a fun and interesting lesson which I thoroughly enjoyed.


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