Stanislavski's Techniques

Our first week into researching into Konstantin Stanislavski revolved around a few different things, at first we were simply sorting out the term and answers which had been mixed up, as a group we had to determine which was a match for what. Prior to that Rob numbered us all when we were in a circle from 1 - 5. I was No.2 and in my group stood: Rose, Ruby & Yasemin. There we worked it out as a team and surprisingly we had the answers right off the bat, albeit but one "Circles of Attention". When this little exercise was completed we picked up some chairs and sat down on them around the room in our own little areas.

Rob then told us to close our eyes and he proceeded to give us a circumstance to go into, he told us to imagine that we were homeless and the weather outside was cold, the reasons for us being homeless was entirely up to us as an individual. My whole idea was that I'd escaped from a care home after being rejected many times. Then Rob told us to envision that someone wouldn't give us 50p for some hot cocoa and he gave us the action of anger to carry out the emotion. Some of us were ranting, shouting and tapping the floor where some were reduced to whispering. After the deep Stanislavski exercise Rob handed then asked us to get into pairs.

Me & Leonie were partnered up together and with that everyone else got in their respective duos, Rob spoke to us all and handed out pictures some with the famous wave pictured of the poem: The Great Wave off Kanagawa" and another one pictured an old man and a few younger men and woman. The task was for person A to look at the picture and relay to person B everything he/she remembered of the picture after about 15 seconds on looking at it. Leonie and I were both wizards at this due to our remarkable observational skills and didn't seem to have any trouble with it. However, after the picture test we had to observe each other and list down what we saw on one another i.e clothing items, facial feature etc. This was a little hard as we laughed quite frequently after staring deep in the eyes, we nearly lost it. But Leonie came back to save the day as she straightened up with little laughter and described me to the minute detail. The last exercise Rob had us do was to touch our partner on various parts of the body lightly and the "B" person was to act as if a small surge of electricity went off when they were touched by person "A". This was quite odd as I'd never done something like this before but in our Batman & Robin duo we went through it with smiles and laughter. A good end to a great day.


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