The Third & Fourth Week

Week 3

We didn't do much for this week as we didn't have a proper class partly because there was no school for us that day plus the open evening. However for those who did turn up to the lesson we had a thirty minute session on the lighting process and how it worked. It was just a simple breakdown on the channels used, different lights etc

Week 4

Today we programmed lights in the theatre with Jack, my group to go up consisted of: Tobi, Georgia & Niamh. Jack led us up to the control room above the theatre itself and brought us through the exact process of programming and use of lighting. The first step was choosing a moving light that we wanted to utilise, I was given "No. 395" the moving light allocated to me was centred at the audience so Jack instructed me to "Tilt" the light to the backdrop which was an up & down mechanic then I was told to "Pan" it to into the centre. When that was done and dusted the next step was for me to add colour to it, this was surprisingly easy as there was a colour mixer so I just picked the nature green colour, Jack also asked me to pic a gobo so I scrolled through them and chose the most appealing one to me which turned out to be a mosaic glass type. I was told to zoom out and centre it slightly then focus it so it looked prestigious. After this was completed Jack congratulated me and it was now up to the next person in line to do it for this it was Niamh.

Ending the lesson on a high Rebecca gave us clear instructions to write this up.


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