
Showing posts from 2016

Who are you? Anton Chekhov

Preparing for The Cherry Orchard - The Rehearsals and Performance

Who are you? Konstantin Stanislavski

An Introduction into Unit Four /\

V O I C E - A C T I N G

This Little Life of Mine | The Set

This Little Life of Mine | The Review

Glasgow Girls | The Review

Preparing for The Cherry Orchard - Petya Trofimov

Jobs in Performing Arts?

Classical Texts Weeks 1/3 - Sharon

Stanislavski's Techniques

Fifth & Sixth Week

Camden Youth Theatre

The Third & Fourth Week

The Evaluation - Oedipus

Medea Week 3-4

Medea Week 1-2

Medea Week 1-2

Year Two Audience - Oedipus rehearsals

The Second Week

The First Week

What exactly IS Greek Theatre?